Who We Are 

An independant and self- financing operation with income derived from the management of its properties and assests.

We are all about growing a vibrant Kawerau.We are identified as the 'go-to' people as we work collaborativley with the community, its people, businesses and the District Council to respond to gaps and opportunites. 

We act as an "umbrella" to several organisations and projects offering both help and support.

Our goal is to add value to projects to help them realise their potential and grow Kawerau.














Our History

Established on 14th March 1985 to stimulate new business in Kawerau following a reduction in labour at the various Kawerau Mills.

The concept was mooted by Graham Ogilvie of Tasman Pulp & Paper Co in 1984, following his visit to Britain where he had seen Enterprise Agencies backed by Corporates.

A steering commitee which included Ron Wells, Graham Oglilvie, Ron Hardie, Bill Lockyer, Allan Baker, Bev Adlam, Frank Duxfield and Lyn Hartley was set up to develop the idea.

Allen Mayo and Alison Beer from Tasman Lumbar were also key contributors in the early stages, although they weren't an initial part of the start up team, a few years later they became key to KEA's survival. 

Special mention must be made to long-time Chairman Peter Sligh who ensured Tasman's on-going commitment.



About KEA

"Business confidence, improved job prospects and community pride are KEA's purpose, contributing to increased economic development."